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v2 beta

We offer free web hosting with PHP 8.2.20 & HTML5 with 99.99% uptime and fast speeds thanks to our SSD servers. Sign up now to get your own website and start sharing your ideas with the world! Made with ❤️ by PythonScratcher, g1gabyteDEV, ACompleteNewb & g4o2. Report a bug here


for free hosting today.


for logged in users.


Announcements Upgrade
Adding these cheeky cards to the announcement system!

Subdomains in beta
Instead of theyhost/{name}, you get an upgrade to {name}.theyhost!

Not Alpha
Pretty self-explanatory.

CSS Fixes
New accent color and website looks leng-er.

Cool Projects built on theyHost

An impressive project, showing the current time and more information.

This project gets pupils' percentages for a test and gets the highest score, average score and other useful information.